High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Rolly is an egg-shaped digital robotic music player made by Sony, combining music functions with robotic dancing. It has two wheels that allow it to rotate and spin, as well as two bands of colored LED light running around its edge and cup-like "wings" (or "arms" according to the Sony sonystyle USA website) which can open and close on either end, all of which can be synchronized to the music being played. Rolly has several operating modes, including...
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Rolly is an egg-shaped digital robotic music player made by Sony, combining music functions with robotic dancing. It has two wheels that allow it to rotate and spin, as well as two bands of colored LED light running around its edge and cup-like "wings" (or "arms" according to the Sony sonystyle USA website) which can open and close on either end, all of which can be synchronized to the music being played. Rolly has several operating modes, including Bluetooth functionality. Rolly can play music streamed directly from any Bluetooth-enabled cell phone, computer, or mp3 player. Rolly is able to dance along to streaming music, but the Rolly Choreographer software produces far better results when it analyzes tracks and creates motion files before loading them onto Rolly. The Rolly player uses .mtf files to store motion data along with a particular music track. Pre-made motion files can be downloaded and uploaded from Rolly Go.
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Предлагаемое читателям историко-биографическое исследование необычно тем, что оно основано не только на подлинных письмах дочери Сталина, но и на фактах, которые сыграли роковую роль в гибели СССР. Прочтение вместе с автором книги писем и других не менее интересных малоизвестных документов позволит по-иному взглянуть на причины трагедии нашей страны, а также на жизнь Светланы Сталиной, в которой...
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