книги Электронные книги Художественная литература Беллетристика Фантастика, фэнтези


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  • 815 кб
  • апрель 2019

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Аннотация к книге "Three"

Collection of short horror and sci-fi stories This collection of short horror and sci-fi stories is divided in three parts. Most of the stories were published in collections, magazines and as online editions and some of them were very well received by the Serbian public (Major, Farm, In the depths…). I MAN Major – Horrors of war become even greater when our main heroes get a company from those not living in our world. Mandate – When people loose their mind in the night of elections, mandate...

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Дата выхода: апрель 2019
Размер файла: 815 Кб
Поставщик контента: ООО «ЛитРес»

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