книги Книги на иностранных языках Английский Художественная литература

Skinners 1: Blood Blade

Код 1514672

  • ISBN: 978-0-06-146305-1
  • июль 2011

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Аннотация к книге "Skinners 1: Blood Blade"

Welcome to the There is a world you don`t know about, inhabited by supernatural creatures of darkness—vampires, werewolves, and all manner of savage, impossible beasts that live for terror and slaughter and blood. They are all around us but you cannot see them, for knowledge of their presence—so close and so hungry—would surely drive any ordinary human insane. But for centuries a special breed of hunter has kept the monsters at bay, preventing them from breaking through the increasingly fragile barriers protecting our mortal realm. These guardians are called skinners. But there are very few of them left.

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Дата выхода: июль 2011
ISBN: 978-0-06-146305-1

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