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Perdido Street Station

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Beneath the towering bleached ribs of a dead, ancient beast lies New Crobuzon, a squalid city where humans, Re-mades, and arcane races live in perpetual fear of Parliament and its brutal militia. The air and rivers are thick with factory pollutants and the strange effluents of alchemy, and the ghettos contain a vast mix of workers, artists, spies, junkies, and whores. In New Crobuzon, the unsavory deal is stranger to none--not even to Isaac, a brilliant scientist with a penchant for Crisis...

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Издательство: Random House (USA)
Дата выхода: июль 2003
ISBN: 9780345459404
Объём: 623 страниц
Масса: 304 г
Размеры(высота, ширина, толщина), см: 18 x 11 x 3

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