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Nuevo Avance intermedio Libro + CD

Код 3136359

  • ISBN: 978849778-743-7
  • 248 страниц
  • январь 2013
  • SGEL

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Аннотация к книге "Nuevo Avance intermedio Libro + CD"

In Spanish. This is the student book for levels 3 and 4 of this Spanish course in a single volume. The course covers levels A1 to : the level of this book is B1. Each of the six levels consists of student book and exercise book (both books with their audio CD). For the tutor each level has its CDROM for whiteboard presentations.

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Издательство: SGEL
Дата выхода: январь 2013
ISBN: 978849778-743-7
Объём: 248 страниц

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