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Аннотация к книге "Cool"

Michael Morpurgo`s inspiring new story of Robbie, a boy in a coma - victim of a car accident. Locked inside his own head, able to hear but not move or speak, Robbie tries to keep himself from slipping ever deeper into unconsciousness. Robbie, football fan and animal lover, runs after his dog Lucky one day when he chases a cat and is hit by a car. Unconscious, Robbie lies in hospital, unable to speak, move or eat. But he can hear; he is aware, even though his family and friends don`t know this....

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Издательство: HarperCollins
Серия: Children`s Books
Дата выхода: октябрь 2012
ISBN: 978-0-00-713104-4
Объём: 112 страниц
Обложка: мягкая

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