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Artifact Correction for In-vivo B1-Mapping in MRI. Implementation and Evaluation of Smoothing Algorithms for B1 Maps

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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at field strengths higher than 1.5 Tesla suffers reduced quality due to severe perturbations caused by the inhomogeneity of the RF excitation field in the human body. If quantitative measurements are done, it is essential to correct these inhomogeneities, in order to obtain meaningful results. Several MRI methods exist to map the distribution of the actual flip angle within an investigated slice. The determined flip angle distribution is proportional to the...

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Издательство: Книга по требованию
Дата выхода: июль 2011
ISBN: 978-3-6392-2725-3
Объём: 120 страниц
Масса: 203 г
Размеры(высота, ширина, толщина), см: 23 x 16 x 1

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Химическая промышленность

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