книги Книги на иностранных языках Английский Художественная литература

Day of the Triffids

Код 1820826

  • ISBN: 978-0-14-118541-5
  • 256 страниц
  • апрель 2012
  • Penguin Books

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Аннотация к книге "Day of the Triffids"

The triffids are a monstrous species of stinging plant; they walk, they talk, they dominate the world. The narrator of this novel wakes up in hospital to find that, by missing the end of the world, he has survived to witness a new world. But the new world that awaits him is fantastic and horrific.

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Издательство: Penguin Books
Дата выхода: апрель 2012
ISBN: 978-0-14-118541-5
Объём: 256 страниц

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